Download the audio (right click)
Hi! In this video, I'll show you how to download videos and put them on your smart phones.
What you need to do to download videos depends on whether you have an iPhone or Android smart phone. Let's begin by talking about the difference between iPhones and Android smart phones. Both the hardware (that is, the actual phone) and the operating system of all iPhones are made by the Apple corporation. Android, however, is only the name of the operating system that an Android phone uses. The Android operating system is made by the Google corporation. Unlike iPhones, which are only made by Apple, many companies make phones that use the Android operating system. No matter who makes your smart phone, if it is not an iPhone, it probably uses the Android operating system.
Now, whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, there are two basic approaches to downloading a video. One is to download the video directly from the internet onto your phone. The other is to download the video onto a computer and then to put it on your phone.
First, let's look at how to download a video onto your Android phone and then play it. Use the Chrome browser to find the link to the video you want to download and then put your finger on the link and keep it there until you see a menu like this one. If this does not work, check to make sure you are using the Chrome browser. The menu you see will probably be different if your phone's operating system is in Japanese, but you should see something like "Save link." Tap on "Save link." Next, open an app called "Downloads.” If the file has already been downloaded, you should be able to choose an app to play your video. If do not have an app called “Downloads,” open any app that plays video files. You should be able to find your video inside it.
Next, let's look at one way to do the same thing on an iPhone. Unlike Android phones, iPhones do not come with an app that lets you download video files directly from the internet. Fortunately, however, you can download an app that allows you to do this. I'm not sure if it's the best choice, but "Downloads Plus Lite" is free and seems to work well. Downloads Lite is both a browser that you can use to look at web pages and a video player. To download a video, use the browser to find the link to the video you want to download and then hold your finger on the link until a menu appears. To watch a video you have download, tap on the "Documents" folder at the bottom of the screen and then tap on the video you want to watch.
Now we've finished looking at how to download videos directly onto your phone.
Next, let's look at how to download a video onto a computer and then put it on your smart phone. The first step is the same whether you are using a Mac or a Windows computer. Right click on the link to the video you want to download and then choose "Save the file" from the menu.
To move the file you downloaded from a Windows computer to an Android phone, begin by connecting your phone to the computer. Then, you should be able to find your phone and look at the files inside it. I recommend that you make a new folder to put your videos in. Double click the folder to open it and then drag the file you downloaded inside it. Then, when you open your favorite video app on your phone, you should be able to find the folder you made and play your video. If you are using a Mac to put files on your Android phone, you need to download and install an application called "Android file transfer." Once you have "Android file transfer" you can use it to manage the video files on your phone.
Finally, if you have an iPhone, you will need iTunes to move your files from your computer to your phone. iTunes is a program that you can download for free. It works on both Windows and Macintosh computers. If you have iTunes, you can use it put files in your phone. There are several different ways to use iTunes to put files in your phone and you can download other programs to help you do things that iTunes does not do. I'll make another video later to help iPhone users learn more about how to move files to their phones and how to manage those files using iTunes and other programs.
まず、Androidの電話にビデオをダウンロードしてから再生する方法を見てみましょう。Chromeのブラウザーを使って、ダウンロードしたいビデオへのリンクを見つけてから、メニューが現れるまで長押しします。うまくいかなければ、Chromeのネットブラウザーを使っていることを確認してください。あなたのスマホのOSが日本語になっていれば、現れるメニューは違うだろうと思いますが、「リンクを保存」のような選択肢が出てくるでしょう。 「リンクを保存」をタップします。次に、「ダウンロード」というアプリを開きます。ファイルのダウンロードが終わっていれば、アプリを選んで、再生ができるはずです。「Downloads」というアプリがなければ、トレでもいいので、動画を再生出来るアプリを開いてください。中に先ほどダインロードしたビデオを見つけることができるでしょう。
次に、同じようなことをiPhoneで行う方法を見てみましょう。Androidの電話と違って、iPhoneにはビデオを直接ダウンロードするための備え付けのアプリはありません。しかし、幸いなことに、こういうことをさせてくれるアプリをダウンロードすることができます。一番いい選択肢かどうかについてはよくわかりませんが、 "Downloads Plus Lite"は無料でちゃんと作動するようです。Downloads Liteはウェブページを見るためのブラウザーでもあり、動画再生アプリでもあります。動画をダウンロードするために、ブラウザーを使ってダウンロードしたい動画へのリンクを見つけてから、メニューが現れるまだリンクを長押しします。ダウンロードした動画を見たいときには、「Documents」のフォルダをタップしてから、見たい動画をタップします。
WindowsのパソコンからAndroidのスマホにダウンロードしたファイルを移動させるには、まずスマホをパソコンに接続させます。そうすれば、スマホの中のファイルを見ることができるはずです。自分のビデオを入れるための新しいファルダを作ることをお勧めします。フォルダを開くためにダブルクリックして、ダウンロードしたファイルをドラッグして入れます。そうすれば、スマホで好きな動画用のアプリを開けば、フォルダを見つけて、ビデオを再生できるはずです。MacのパソコンからAndroidのスマホにファイルを入れるなら、"Android file transfer"というアプリが必要になります。"Android file transfer"を入手してから、スマホの中のビデオファイルを管理することに使えます。